CCOB Women Newsletter

The Lover of Your Soul & The Longing of Your Heart

Are you busy preparing your Easter menu, Easter outfits and Easter baskets? Perhaps you are gearing up for a spring vacation or a visit with loved ones?

As we prepare for “all the things” that accompany this season, the most important is the preparation of the heart, isn’t it?

Will you marvel with us for a moment as we consider the incomparable heart of Christ?

He is King of Kings but came as a lowly servant.

He is above all but chose to serve all.

He is worthy of our worship but bore our shame.

He suffered so that we might be saved.

He never lost sight of His mission, even in the face of His misery. For it was the joy set before Him that He endured the cross. What was that joy, you may wonder? It was the promise of spending eternity with His Father and with all who believe. In other words, it was me and you.

What an honor to know, love and serve this Savior – this King – Amen? As we go about our busy days, let’s choose to rejoice in Him:

But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing to the Lord because he is good to me. (Psalm 13:5-6 NLT)

While these words written by the psalmist, David, may give the impression that everything was great in his life at this time, if we read the first four verses, we realize he was actually asking the Lord some really hard questions, such as “How long will you forget me? How long must I struggle with sorrow?”

You, too, may be facing your own hardships and asking your own questions right now. Your heart may not “feel” ready for the upcoming celebration we call “Easter.” If so, may we encourage you to reflect on Psalm 13 in light of the cross and empty tomb? As you do, we are certain you, like David, will be filled with reasons to rejoice.

Why? Because the words which once filled hearts with fear now fill them with a living hope:

Then the angel spoke to the women. ‘Don’t be afraid!’ he said. ‘I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen.' (Matthew 28:5-6a NLT)

What a contrast! Because of the empty tomb, we can have hearts full of comfort and peace; joy and gratitude; and faith and love.

As we celebrate our risen Savior, remember we are never alone or without hope. Friend, God has triumphed over darkness and despair. Through Christ, we have been set free, are forgiven of our sins and can look forward to spending eternity with Him. All because of what He has done!

With much love in Christ,

Cara Blondo
