Calvary Chapel Old Bridge Women's Ministry
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Stay up to date with Women's Ministry & Moms Group news and events via email!
- Use the button below to create an account on Calvary Connect, the online community of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge (enter a working email address)
- After you receive an email with your activation link, log into Calvary Connect
- Click on "Groups" and then on the "Find a Group" page, search for "Women's Ministry" or "Mom's Group" (DO NOT select Women's Leaders or Women's Board)
- Click on "Request to join"
Entering your email on a registration form (i.e., women's study, retreat sign ups, etc.) will NOT register you for a Calvary connect account and therefore you will not receive our emails until an account is made and you’ve selected to “Join” Women's Ministry.
If you don’t see our emails but think you should be, check your email's spam folder.
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Log into Calvary Connect
Click on your user icon (top right)
Click on PROFILE
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